
Add Character to Your New Construction

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Add Character to Your New Construction

One of the most common complaints of new construction homes is the lack of character. As I’ve busily saved money for the past few years to build my dream home, I’ve often been worried about this important issue myself. However, while completing some research, I’ve discovered many ways to add character to a newer home. For instance, installing crown molding, a wooden staircase, and trey ceilings are great ways to fill a new abode with character. Another great idea is to install a stained glass window. These colorful beautiful additions give your home old world flair. On this blog, you will learn how to add character to your new place by installing stained glass windows.

Is Now The Time To Invest In Replacement Windows?

Installing replacement windows in your home is a big investment. That investment can sometimes scare homeowners out of making the decision to go ahead with the project. So, how do you know when the project should no longer be put on the home repairs waiting list? How beneficial will new windows really be?     

Do your windows really need to be replaced now?

There are five true signs that the windows on your home should be replaced sooner rather than later. These include:

  1. Water damaged wood or peeling paint around the window area.
  2. Furniture, carpeting and/or hardwood floors that are sun damaged around the window.
  3. Drafts coming through the window.
  4. High year-round energy bills.
  5. Noise from outside of the house heard easily indoors.

If you have noticed any, or all of these signs, don't put off the window replacement project much longer. Doing so will cost you more money in water damage repair, sun damage repair and energy loss.

What are the real benefits of replacing older windows?

Improved Efficiency

The number one benefit of replacing those older windows with new is the energy savings that you will enjoy. Now, you probably want some standard numbers telling you just how much you will save each year, but that will vary due to multiple variations of windows and the installation process. To find the most efficient windows, refer to the energy efficient guide provided here by

Increased Home Value

Replacing the windows can be expensive, but according to, the windows you install have an average return on investment of 72%, which is huge for a home improvement project. How much you pay for the replacement window will vary. Generally, you should plan to spend anywhere from $300 to $700 per window. Keep in mind that there are windows that are much more expensive and can be as much as $1,000 per window. When you go to sell your home, you will recover much of the investment and have a nice selling point to offer the potential buyers.

Improved Sun Protection

Older windows were not made the same way that modern windows are. The new windows have a higher UV protection rating and will protect the interior of your home from sun damage. This means that your carpeting, hardwoods, and furnishings will maintain their condition even with the sun beating down on them through the window.

So, have you decided that now is the time to invest in your replacement windows? Talk with a local window replacement expert (such as one from Gilkey Windows) to find out more.