
Add Character to Your New Construction

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Add Character to Your New Construction

One of the most common complaints of new construction homes is the lack of character. As I’ve busily saved money for the past few years to build my dream home, I’ve often been worried about this important issue myself. However, while completing some research, I’ve discovered many ways to add character to a newer home. For instance, installing crown molding, a wooden staircase, and trey ceilings are great ways to fill a new abode with character. Another great idea is to install a stained glass window. These colorful beautiful additions give your home old world flair. On this blog, you will learn how to add character to your new place by installing stained glass windows.

What Causes Condensation To Form On Andersen Windows In Winter?

If condensation forms on your Andersen windows in winter, this is because there is humidity in your home and your Andersen windows are a cooler temperature than the warm humid air inside your house. Condensation is a natural occurrence that happens when warm, humid air touches cool surfaces. This happens in many homes in winter, and is not an indication that your windows are defective. This is the same phenomenon that causes condensation to form on icy glasses of water in summer time. To stop this problem from occurring, the answer is to reduce the humidity in your home.

Does the condensation hurt the windows?

Condensation can cause problems in a variety of ways. On the windows, condensation can cause mildew to form. If the condensation is severe enough, it can dribble down the side of the window and cause water damage, similar to what happens when a leak occurs.

What can you do to stop condensation from forming on the windows?

The most sure-fire long-term solution to the problem is to lower the humidity in your home. This can be done in a variety of ways, including:

  • Use your home's ventilation systems. Your home has ventilation systems in locations with high humidity, like in the bathroom and in the kitchen. Use the vents in your bathroom when showering and taking a bath. Use the vents above your stove whenever cooking, even if the kitchen hasn't gotten very warm and the vent seems unnecessary.
  • Have your attic properly vented. Humidity can get trapped in your attic if it's not properly vented. Have a roofer come take a look at your attic's ventilation system and have him or her determine whether or not your attic needs more or better vents.
  • Avoid storing firewood indoors. Firewood that's been sitting outside will be full of moisture, and that can contribute to the humidity in your home as it dries out.
  • Take cooler showers. The hotter the shower, the more steam it will produce, which causes humidity in your home to build.
  • Cover pots when cooking. Boiling water and hot soup can cause steam to rise into the kitchen, contributing to the overall humidity in your home.
  • Run a dehumidifier. Run a dehumidifier in the rooms where condensation is a particular problem.

If this doesn't work, talk to your Andersen window customer service representative about different ways that you can protect your windows from humidity in the winter. Protecting your windows from moisture will help extend the life of your windows.

To learn more, contact a company like Arch Design